Electric Picnic



We come from different places, different backgrounds and different tastes. Each note, each lyric, is a reflection of the paths we’ve traveled.

With a folder full of unfinished ideas mostly accumulated during those strange Covid times and a strong desire of forming a pop-female-lead band, Edu asked his work-colleague João to join and bring his classy and subtle guitar ingenuity. Having played together in a cover band for a couple of years they knew each other musically very well. And so the project started to take shape.

But it was not until Autumn of 2023 in a small party gathering where Aleksandra sang a karaoke version of t.A.T.u - They’re not gonna get us that Edu realized how her sweet & mellow voice would fit the melodic ideas of the project. After a short conversation Aleksandra decided to join the band. It was destiny!

In a city like Helsinki where the music scene and community is dominated by rap, metal and prog-rock, it became difficult to find missing pieces with the right chemistry and influences. It took some time, but after a while and as Edu was scrolling through a musician’s connecting app, Aku made his appearance as another perfect fit to join this collective.

Electric Picnic band

The first single Fever Dream is our sonic take on Dreampop & Ambient vibe. While our newest release Popcorn dives into Altpop & Indie Rock.

Our debut EP is being formed one release at a time. With stories of dreams, infatuation, love, crush, childhood memories and more...




Enchantress, with a sweet & mellow whisper. A smile as bright as dawn and a heart full of kindness, conjures the mundane into fantastical.




Dreamweaver, foundation of melody. A serene ripple on a still lake, booms with depth merging in the rhythmic landscape.




Troubadour, strummer of tales. Conceives timeless serenades with a dance upon the strings of a story.



Synths & Guitar

Crafter, voyager of harmonies and propeller of the Picnic. Designs delusions with every note and forges melodies that ride the tides.


Information, management & booking, reach us at contact@electricpicnic.band